Understanding the buy decision matrix of buyers of legal service is crucial in any business development effort. Law firms need to generate sentiments of credibility, and build positive perceptions of trust, reliability  and knowledge. Your branding, thought leadership, legal directory rankings or awards and your sponsored marketing and PR are enablers for firms to build on their credibility, and each must work in unison to drive strong market impressions.

Many firms still confuse marketing with business development. Marketing and business development are separate disciplines that work together. We use marketing as a tool to enable business development so that any marketing investment yields positive ROIs and outcomes, and marketing efforts are ultimately more than just a ‘branding exercise’. We evaluate third party vendor opportunities for our clients, and select events, publications, and sponsorship opportunities that will serve and further our client’s business and make the most impact.

We have made a difference to numerous law firms and legal businesses operating in London, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Paris, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the wider GCC, in devising strategically aligned marketing and business development strategies, and helped make key decisions on where to invest to generate desired outcomes.